Dr. Margot Taylor

Margot J. Taylor, PhD, is Director of Functional Neuroimaging, Diagnostic Imaging, and Senior Scientist in Neurosciences & Mental Health, at the Hospital for Sick Children. Dr Taylor is also Professor in the Departments of Paediatrics, Medical Imaging and Psychology, University of Toronto.
Dr. Taylor's research centres on the use of MEG, fMRI and MRI to understand the neural bases of cognitive development. Areas of study assess structural and functional brain correlates with performance on high-level cognitive skills, which include the development of frontal lobe functions (such as mental flexibility, emotional face processing, inhibition and working memory), using protocols adapted for children. A major focus has been on children with autism and children born very preterm, with the aim of understanding the developmental trajectory of brain functions and structure that underlie the atypical frontal lobe, executive functions in these children and adolescents.
Areas of Focus
Frontal lobe and executive function development, effect of emotions on face processing and attention, neuroimaging in preterm neonates and prediction of outcome