Dr. Peter Rosenbaum
Executive Committee

Dr. Peter Rosenbaum is Co-Founder of CanChild. He is a Professor in the Department of Pediatrics and an Associate Member of the Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at McMaster University. Peter holds a CIHR Canada Research Chair in Childhood Disability (2001-2007 & 2008-2014) which allows Peter to devote his time to clinical and health services research. His research interests include studies of the processes of care research program, the evaluation of family-centred functional approaches to care, how to describe and measure functional status and the development and implementation of a database system for gross motor disability. He works with a number of graduate students at several universities. From 2007-12 Peter was the inaugural Director of the McMaster Child Health Research Institute, of which CanChild was a Founding Member.
Areas of Focus
childhood disability, family-centred service, family wellbeing in families of children with 'complicated lives', measurement and functional classification in childhood disability
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) as a ‘treatment’ for Cerebral Palsy
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a technique that allows 100% oxygen to be delivered to the body's tissues under increased atmospheric pressure. To achieve this, the patient enters a "pressure chamber" that makes it possible to increase the atmospheric pressure to "hyperbaric" levels, i.e., above the earth's atmospheric pressure at sea level.
Sleep Issues Among Children with Cerebral Palsy
Sleep issues are very common throughout infancy, childhood, and pre-adolescence. Studies estimate that sleep disturbances vary from 5% to 40% among all children.
Determinants of Life Quality in Children with Cerebral Palsy
This two-year study described quality of life and level of participation of children with cerebral palsy (CP).
How Does Clinical Research Work? A Two-part Primer. Part 1: How to Ask a Research Question and Design a Study
Clinical and health services research in childhood disability are essential if we are to move the field forward and have confidence that what we believe we ‘know’ is in fact based on credible studies.
How Does Clinical Research Work? A two-part Primer. Part 2: How to Do a Study, and What Should We Measure?
Part 2 focuses on issues in outcome measurement and generalizing findings from one study to the next.
What is Cerebral Palsy? (Video)
Peter Rosenbaum explains the basics of CP in a video produced by the Cerebral Palsy Foundation.